Friday, October 10, 2008

Tagged Again!

Ok I've been tagged again!!!

20 years ago 1988
1- I was 7 years old
2- I got the chicken pox on the day I was suppose to go to the zoo
3- I went to Centerville Elementary

10 years ago 1998
1- I was 17 years old and getting older :)
2- I knew everything and still do! ha ha
3- I went to Viewmont High School and was friends with many good people!

5 years ago 2003
1- I was dating Scott
2- I was working at Entec
3- I finished going to school and finished in Travel and Tourism

2 years ago
1- Got an awesome job as a Risk Manager for Intermountain Staffing - It's always a little girl's dream to work in insurance when she grows up right?
2- Living in Kaysville in our house!
3- Went to Disney World

Last year
1- Pregnant with Karlee
2- Went to the dentist and had 10 cavities :)
3- Bought a Wii with my bonus :)

1- Took Karlee to work to see everyone
2- Went on a ride to see the leaves up Provo Canyon
3- Watched The Office

1- Took Karlee for her 2 week check up
2- Put up Halloween stuff
3- Waiting for it to snow

1- Sit inside while it storms
2- Clean the house and do laundry
3- Go for a ride to get out of the house - slushie time!

In the Next year
1- Watch cute Karlee grow
2- Learn more about being a Risk Manager
3- Hunt a dinosaur!

I tag Heidi, Brindy, Liz, Marilee!!

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