Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's confirmed!

So i went to the doctor yesterday and we listened to the heart beat and it's's a baby dinosaur! When listening to the heart beat it sounded alot like this... thump, thump, thump, squak! So I'm thinking Pteroldactyl! ha ha Actually I will find out around May 16th if it's a boy or girl. Hopefully it won't be shy and hide :) I'm 17 weeks, almost 18, and I'm still sick. This baby will not let me feel normal!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Beginning

Hi everyone! It's been another crazy time at the Munden house. Scott has had pneumonia and I have been dealing with the nauseousness of a growing baby. Hopefully in May we will find out if it's a girl or a boy, but for right now it's our little peanut :) Scott wants to name the baby Billy even if it's a girl and I'm thinking he's nuts! We will not have any farm animal names for our children. If any of you have any ideas I would love to hear them. Just remember Scott works for the DCFS so I can't name our kid anything risky :)