Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Back to Work

Ya know I was kind of nervous about going back. But I was sitting at my desk today and I realized that I work in The Office. Ya know like the tv show. I was on the phone and all of a sudden ping pong balls come flying over the cubicle wall. Then I hear the lady on the other side of the wall yelling because she can't figure out how to use the scanner. She keeps yelling for the IT guy and then she figures out she's pushing the wrong button while screaming stupid stupid stupid ha ha When I finally think it's calm we go to lunch and you've got girls talking about how fat they are and they are eating some kind of diet frozen food thing, oh but then they walk over to Wendy's and get food. Not once but twice. You've got a hobbit answering the phones and our Christmas tree has stuffed animal dinosaurs in it. I'm sure I could go on and on but yeah I work in The Office. Our Christmas party is on Friday and it's casino night so I'll have to let you know how that worked out.


Kelly Family said...

man.. i wanna work with you.

Kathryn said...

That's funny!

I used to work for a boss who, I swear, was just like Michael Scott. Except he was mean and didn't mind firing people.

Mandy said...

Katy...ha ha that's funny but sad.

Brindy said...

wtf is wrong with dinos?? the office is my bff.

Jen said...

Heehee...I love the office. Sounds like you have an entertaining job!

Heidi Kjar said...

HA I love it! That cracks me up Mandy. I have worked at "the office" as well- it makes work very entertaining to try to pick out "the office" moments huh? They are all around us:).