Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pot Gut Bowling

So last week I went camping with the Daddy and Sister. I like to call them Daddy Moose and Gingy Rat! We had a whole bag of M&M's so we shared them with our new friends the pot guts. Well we shared them after we went Pot Gut Bowling. We learned that if you throw an M&M and hit one, they really don't care. So we used about half a bag of M&M's making it rain on the pot guts. Here are some pictures of our new friends. We have baby pot gut (according to our neighbor campers, he was a new born ha ha) and we have suicidal pot gut (he tried to climb into the fire). When we got home I tried to order one from Petco but they wouldn't sell me one. Yeah they'll sell African Bird spiders but not pot guts. Go figure!!!


Liz said...

We have those living in our yard!! We should try the M&M trick now. Thanks for the tip! LOL

Brindy said...

HAHA. Pot gut bowling is my new hobby. I think I need to work on my aim though.
OooOh that will be a good picture for your blog!1!!1
Oh and frito dinners are delicious.